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Don Quixote

From the clanking of castanets to the swish of scarlet bull-fighting capes, the Paris Opera Ballet’s production of Don Quixote by Marius Petipa first premiered in 1981. Based on Miguel Cervante’s  famous novel, Don Quixote the ballet focuses on a brief excerpt of the Spanish knight searching for his perfect lover known as his “Dulcinea”. While travelling through Seville, Don Quixote believes his Dulcinea is the beautiful innkeeper’s daughter, Kitri. Set in the colourful town squares of Seville, the young couple Kitri and Basilio lead the town in vibrant dances with Spanish panache. With music by Ludwig Minkus, and colourful costumes and scenery, Don Quixote transports the audience to exciting Spain, constantly opening a new chapter of exciting music and dancing like the flash of a Spanish fan.


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