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Up and Down

"Up and Down" is the newest creation of Boris Eifman, the world-renowned choreographer and founder of Eifman Ballet of St. Petersburg. The mesmerizing piece is another extraordinary work of the choreographer, with performances worldwide. Eifman creates 'psychological ballets' to tell something meaningful to the audience: the meaning of life and human existence from spiritual and physical aspects. 'Throughout all my creative life I've been expanding the boundaries of the ballet theatre's abilities and in the first place – searching for the body language that can express the life of spirit. Dance isn't the physical process for me, but the spiritual one. Body language is more ancient, more profound communicative means. Reflexes of sensual life of many generations are fixed in it. To decode these signs, to transform them into the emotionally rich ballet piece – that's our goal" - says Boris Eifman.

The Eifman Ballet of St. Petersburg was founded in 1977 with an innovative approach to ballet, exploring new genres in addition to the classical pieces. After presenting over forty exceptional choreographies of Eifman with a great success, in 2009 the Government of St. Petersburg decided to build the "Dance Academy of Boris Eifman."