The catacombs of San Gaudioso are an ancient cemetery area from the early Christian age (4th-5th century AD), located in the northern area of the city of Naples (present-day Stella district).
The catacomb structure, formed on the site of a pre-existing Greco-Roman necropolis, developed in an uninhabited valley where, according to tradition, San Gaudioso was buried. He was a bishop from northern Africa who lived in Naples, where he founded a monastery and earned a reputation for sanctity, until his death.
The whole area was forgotten throughout the Middle Ages and only around the 16th century, when the urbanization of this peripheral area began, the catacombs began to be reused.
During the 17th century, with the construction of the basilica of ‘Santa Maria della Sanità’ exactly above the site of the catacombs, the underground cemetery was modernized with profound alterations of its original structure.
Access to the catacombs is currently located in the crypt of the basilica ‘Santa Maria della Sanità’.