The Dead Web-The End, Exhibition, Ludwig Museum, Budapest: 24 January-26 April 2020

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The exhibition "The Dead Web-The End" at the Ludwig Museum in Budapest features works by artists from Hungary, Switzerland and Quebec.

Among contemporary art practices there are those that are linked to technological developments and which have been designated as “media art”, “new media art” or “digital art”. These technologies sustain a vast feeding ground for artistic practices that contribute to renewing the field of contemporary art. The exhibition

The Dead Web raises the question of a possible Internet Capacity Crunch. It is 2023, when the Internet would collapse at the age of 25. We are trying to illustrate the period afterwards and to show its impact on the economy and society.

The cooperative partner of the Ludwig Museum in this utopian endeavour is the Canadian media art organization Molior.

Dominique Sirois & Baron Lanteigne, In Extremis, 2019. Photo Credit: Dominique Sirois CopyrightDominique Sirois & Baron Lanteigne, In Extremis, 2019. Fotó: Dominique Sirois
Dominique Sirois & Baron Lanteigne, In Extremis, 2019. Photo Credit: Dominique Sirois CopyrightDominique Sirois & Baron Lanteigne, In Extremis, 2019. Fotó: Dominique Sirois
Julien Boily, Memento Vastum, 2012. Photo Credit: Olivier Miche CopyrightJulien Boily: Memento Vastum, 2012. Fotó: Olivier Miche
Julien Boily, Memento Vastum, 2012. Photo Credit: Olivier Miche CopyrightJulien Boily: Memento Vastum, 2012. Fotó: Olivier Miche

Opening Hours

10:00 - 20:00
10:00 - 20:00
10:00 - 20:00
10:00 - 20:00
10:00 - 20:00
10:00 - 20:00