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As the epitome of 19th century romanticism, Giselle tells a story of love, betrayal, sacrifice and forgiveness. Choreographed by Jean Coralli and Jules Perrot with heart wrenching music by Adolph Adam, Giselle has remained the quintessential staple for major ballet companies' repertoire. As the story begins, Giselle is a carefree but fragile peasant girl with a passion for dance. Giselle falls in love with Albrecht, a prince disguised as a peasant, who is already engaged. When Giselle finds out about the horrible betrayal she becomes mad and dies from a broken heart. In the second act, one of ballet's most glorious hallmarks, Giselle becomes a Wilis -doomed to dance forever while leading men to their deaths by forcing them to dance. Filled with remorse, Albrecht visits Giselle's grave. Visited by Giselle's spirit, she protects him from the Wilis and saves him from death.


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