The Monastery of Sant'Antonio in Polesine, Ferrara

This ancient monastery, a few kilometers from Ferrara  is dedicated to Saint Anthony the Abbot. 

It  has foundations dating back to the 13th century and was  built to house a monastic community. 

The stone walls and cloisters with Renaissance and Gothic arches offers a place for reflection and prayer, enhanced by the presence of an inner garden llovingly tended by the monks, create a welcoming and rejuvenating environment.

The monastery houses a sanctuary dedicated to Saint Anthony the Abbot, whose cult has deep roots in the monastic tradition. The sanctuary is a place of veneration and contemplation, adorned with frescoes and altars that narrate the saint's life. 

While the number of monks may have decreased over time, the Monastery of Sant'Antonio continues to be a center of monastic life. The community, though reduced, keeps alive spiritual traditions and plays an active role in the religious life of the region.

The Monastery of Sant'Antonio in Polesine is open to the local community and visitors wishing to discover its history and share moments of contemplation.

The Monastery of Sant'Antonio in Polesine, Ferrara
The Monastery of Sant'Antonio in Polesine, Ferrara
The Monastery of Sant'Antonio in Polesine, Ferrara
The Monastery of Sant'Antonio in Polesine, Ferrara
The Monastery of Sant'Antonio in Polesine, Ferrara
The Monastery of Sant'Antonio in Polesine, Ferrara
The Monastery of Sant'Antonio in Polesine, Ferrara
The Monastery of Sant'Antonio in Polesine, Ferrara

Opening Hours

09:30 - 11:45
15:15 - 16:45
09:30 - 11:45
15:15 - 16:45
09:30 - 11:45
15:15 - 16:45
09:30 - 11:45
15:15 - 16:45
09:30 - 11:45
15:15 - 16:45
09:30 - 11:45
15:15 - 16:45
09:30 - 11:45
15:15 - 16:45
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